Chameleon Backpackers Lodge & Guesthouse
5-7 voight st. phone: +264 61 244-347, (http://www.chameleonbackp...). has a mix of dorm and private rooms with a bar, swimming pool and booking desk for chameleon safaris. close to downtown. dorms 110 rand.
Cardboard Box Backpackers Hostel
15 john albrecht st. at the corner of john meinart, phone: +264 61 228-994, (http://www.cardboardbox.c...). has a bar and a swimming pool; close to downtown. also the site of the cardboard box travel shop. dorms 90 rand.
Paradisegarden Backpackers
5 roentgen st. at the corner of beethoven street and john meinert turn right into beethoven. roentgen is the first street on your left, +264 61 303-494, [email protected] (http://www.paradisegarden...). has travel information desk, wi-lan internet, laundry facilities, a huge and always clean swimming pool; 10 min walking distance to downtown.